Check out the heart on my mom's shirt from the shadow and the sun.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Just another day in paradise.
Check out the heart on my mom's shirt from the shadow and the sun.
Posted by livinlikelucy at 2:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 29, 2008
We are warm!
Well we made it to Florida! We had a slight delay in Detroit, but nothing we couldn't handle. It was insane at the airport in Detroit. Sooo busy. We got really lucky at the security checkpoint. They had a terribly long line, but the lady sent us in the "family" line and we didn't have to wait AT.ALL.... SOOO nice when you are traveling with a 2 year old. Carson was super while we waited, he had plenty of room to get his cars and trucks out and play them and he was great!
Once we got on the plane he made friends with a little girl in front of us named Abby she was 3 1/2 and they hit it off! They traded toys back and forth and had great time! Let's pray the ride home is as uneventful!
We got the airport way too early, Jason wanted to leave at like 3 and our plane didn't leave until 6:50. I really dislike sitting around and waiting, but I guess now I can say it is getting easier since Carson is getting older.
Since being at my mom's Jefferson the dog has been knocking Carson over and scareing the crap out of him! It's certainly a change from when we were here in July! Carson was carrying the dog around in July, now the dog is 5 times his size and he's scared to death of the dog!
My mind has been super busy brainstorming about the upcoming new year and the things I want to do with my photography. Gearing up for the upcoming wedding season. I REALLY want to do more low key wedding stuff this year, and I am thinking about offering a package where they just get EVERY photo we take at their wedding and the CD with all right released and be done with it, but it's very difficult to upcharge when your doing that because I don't think people "feel like" they are getting as much you know. When in reality they are because they are able to do whatever they want with EVERY photo. Brides are a pain in the rear... ugh.
Posted by livinlikelucy at 8:41 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 26, 2008
Pics of the kiddos
This was ALMOST my Christmas card... hopefully you have yours now.
As requested by Grammy!
Kenedey just chopped all that hair off! I know it seems sad to you all probably however... she has SUCH thick hair that she can't even get her hands in there to wash it well. So the cut was MUCH needed.
Posted by livinlikelucy at 3:30 PM 0 comments
Ok well here we go again! I took some time today to go back and look at my old blog and REALLY enjoyed looking over the memories from a year ago. It's incredible how much my kids have changed, so I have decided that for my New Year's Resolution I am going to attempt to keep another blog. I haven't been into scrapbooking at all over the last year, with Photography and my business there just isn't time left and I am getting my creative outlet through the photography and just don't have the want to hull all that crap out. I honestly think my other Resolution may be to dig out all that scrapbooking crap and take some time to go through it and get rid of anything that I won't use. It makes me a little sad because I love the scrapbooks I have of the kids, but again... just not time. Maybe in a few years again, but for now... not so much!
Yesterday we had a great Christmas! We did the usual stay home the entire day and it was wonderful. It didn't feel like a Christmas much at all just because of our ornament/decoration situtation.
Let me update you on that. I went to get out our decorations and unfortuantely THEY.WERE.GONE.
I think they are in Jen Hutchinson's basement, but she said she looked and didn't find them. I also thought they were in my great grandmother's basement, went and checked there... not there. The whole thing really makes me sick to think about it. I just keep praying Jen finds them accidently and calls to let me know she found them! Ornaments from the past 12 Christmases are in there and it's just so upsetting to think that it could be all gone.
Ok enough about that. Kenedey is doing well. School is good for her. She had a great Christmas and is ready to go to Florida on Sunday.
here's what she got this year. I thought it was fun to look back at what she got last year:
- Digital Camera
- SDHC card 8.0 (that should hold pics forever)
- ipod docking station that is also a CD player
- new portable DVD player
- 4 outfits
- Apples to Apples the game
- Upwords the game
- Uno attach
- Mylie Cyrus breakout CD
- Huge stuffed puppy (thanks Ang!)
- camo coat
- bath confetti
- 2 hats
- Nintendo DS chargers
- DS skins to make the DS cute
- purses
- gift card to target
- hand, body and foot warmers for the woods
- a alarm clock phone for her room
- 2 DS games
- bras!
- underware
- and im suer there's some I have forgotten, but that is the gist of it
- a 4 wheeler that we have put $ in the bank for. We knew he would want to ride it in the house and just couldn't deal with him not being able to. We will get it the first week it warms up
- puzzles
- McQueen stuff
- airplanes
- cars
- clothes
- wonder pets x2
- slippers
- A red radio flyer scooter
- etch a sketch (buzz lightyear)
- gift card to target
- Cars movie, we have to buy a new one every year, he wears them out
- and more im forgetting!
- we went pretty easy for him this year, he really is still just into cars!
Posted by livinlikelucy at 2:59 PM 0 comments