Sunday, July 27, 2008

Another weekend gone!

Well usually it's a bummer that the weekend has ended. However, not this time for me. This weekend being over only means that it's ONE more day until Kenedey comes home! She will be home @ 11:05 tomorrow night and I CAN'T WAIT! I had my cousins little girl this weekend (Lauren) who is 3. Her and Carson had a great time together. They didn't fight as much as I thought they would! A few spats here and there, but nothing serious!

On Friday I took Carson to try to get some pictures of him. I took like 80 some pictures (really not that many for me) but I only like about 2 of them. I am so not good at photographing my own toddler! Oh well! I at least got something new for the wall! He's quite the little talker these days and is repeating EVERYTHING. We really have to watch what we say.

Have a great week everyone! I know we will with our favorite girl coming home! WHOO HOO!!!