Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My newest project

Because it's wedding season, I have been helping out some brides and grooms by putting together these little slideshows. These make great gifts for your fiance' or whomever you want to have one made for! I have had a ton of fun making them. This one in particular, she put all the words on paper for me and choose songs and pictures, I just put it together with the music and into slideshow form! I love how it all came together! Congrats Tamilyn & Greg!!!


Mandy said...

That's awesome that you did the slideshow! You can do anything, I swear! Thanks again for all your help at Cade's party! I am so glad you guys came! And thank you for the adorable Michigan and Tigers outfits for the boys- so adorable!

Jen said...

I was beginning to wonder if I rubbed off on you and you gave up on blogging! :)

Hope all is well! The wedding pictures you have taken are awesome! Great job!

Miss you guys!